g2 jankos about bwipo


G2 Jankos About TL Bwipo Champion Pool

G2 Jankos Talks - FNC Bwipo KICKED Nemesis and Selfmade From Fnatic?!

G2 Jankos Talks - FNC Bwipo KICKED Nemesis and Selfmade From Fnatic?!

Jankos solo'ed Nisqy and Bwipo(2v1'ed) - G2 vs FNC

Bwipo About Jankos Problems With Finding New Team

Jankos explains his Cold Relationship with Rekkles

Jankos Reacts to Bwipo Replacing Soaz in Fnatic INCIDENT ๐Ÿ‘€

G2 Jankos Screaming before Match vs Fnatic

Bwipo laughing at how bad NA SoloQ Toplaners are

Jankos on why G2 doesn't dominate EU anymore

G2 Jankos On Korean Teams Refusing To Scrim Western Teams For MSI!!

G2 Coaching Staff losing it after Brokenblade 1v3

Caedrel Reacts To Jankos G2 Farewell Video

Ruler spectates TheBausffs Solo Bolo his Toplaner

Bwipo with insane game knowledge

T1 Zeus and Oner troll Jojopyun in Chat after he does This

FNC Adam and Bwipo Outplays G2 Wunder & Jankos

Caedrel Has A Message For Bwipo

Jankos Reacts To Wunder Roasting Jankos & Razork During Interview | G2 Jankos Clips

T1 Zeus reacts to TheBaus carrying his Game

G2.mimi's UwU got us like.. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Bwipo Shotcalling while Hardcarrying the Fight

Brokenblade kills Adam TWICE before Minions arrive